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iWriteNow Group - Support Group & Resources for iBooks Authoring
(Information from CREATE Conference presentation, June 2013)
NOTE: To create an iBook using iBooks Author, you will need a Mac Computer with at least OS 10.7.4 (Lion) or later, plus iBooks Author (of course!) -- (sadly) you cannot use iBooks Author on an iPad to CREATE an iBook, but what you do create can be VIEWED on an iPad using iBooks! Makes perfect sense, right!?!? ;-)
From Apple App Store:
Now anyone can create stunning iBooks textbooks, cookbooks, history books, picture books, and more for iPad. All you need is an idea and a Mac. Start with one of the Apple-designed templates that feature a wide variety of page layouts. Add your own text and images with drag-and-drop ease. Use Multi-Touch widgets to include interactive photo galleries, movies, Keynote presentations, 3D objects, and more. Preview your book on your iPad at any time. Then submit your finished work to the iBookstore in a few simple steps. And before you know it, you’re a published author."
Checklist to Get Started:
- Mac computer w/ OS 10.7.4 (Lion) - latest is Mountain Lion (10.8)
- Idea for iBook - What will it be about? Who is the audience? (Links on how to brainstorm book ideas)
- View a few iBooks (on iPad for full features) - download these using iBooks app
- E.O. Wilson's Life on Earth (sample is free)
- The Interactive Space Book
- Search for "iBooks Author" and get free guide books
- Still want to do this??? (then continue...)
- Download iBooks Author
- Learn how to use iBooks Author
- Outline your book (or just get started! It's fairly easy to move things around) - Downloadable Templates Here
- Plan which interactive elements you will use
- Decide on end product: iBook, PDF, text (but only iBooks will show all interactive elements) -- NOT ePub (but you can do so if you use Pages instead of iBooks Author)
- NOTE: if selling, you must sell on iTunes Store and Apple gets 30% of your price when it sells
- Need more widgets/interactive elements?
- Gather images, videos to use -- careful using others' images if selling this book!!! Be sure to have permission (if for free, Creative Commons licenses stating so are OK!)
- Last minute Tips for Writers... even some advice from Mark Twain... and even more advice from the pros!
- Add your name to the "iCommit..." page with your topic and deadline
- BEGIN your iBook!!!
- And be sure to share some of your journey at our Twitter iWriteNowGroup
Lesson Ideas for Student Use of iBooks Author
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